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✔ You're always missing deadlines
✔ You feel like you're dropping the ball ... a lot
✔ You're frequently thinking “Oops! I forgot to follow up with that potential client” (just think about how much money you are leaving on the table!)
✔ Cut down on decision overload and fatigue
✔ Free up valuable mental space
✔ Streamline workflows and save SO much time
✔ Finally find a sense of clarity and peace of mind!!
✔ Free up 10 hours per week
You’re ready to get serious about organization, but you don't know where to begin!
I know, there can be a lot of questions and confusion whenever you start using a new system within your biz. If you don’t have a plan to follow, it can be easy to make some critical mistakes, lose momentum, and never end up implementing real change. Without guidance and support, it can be difficult to make any progress at all!
That’s why I’ve created my simple, step-by-step course, Uplevel with Asana.
Your business is on the rise and you're going to need better systems to handle your growth.
With Uplevel with Asana, you can:
“THE ONLY Asana course that you'll ever need. Louise's teaching method is incredibly thorough and very easy to follow. She contextualizes the information so well that I walked away with a completely new way of looking at my business.
Short lessons, highly actionable tasks, and templates? Yes, please. Louise is also active in the Facebook community and never leaves a student behind, which is huge when you're delivering a techy course for a non-techy person."
Your life before mastering Asana:
You frequently feel frustrated
You have too many to-do lists to keep track of
You feel like there's never enough time in the day
You feel too overwhelmed to organize your systems
You're not accomplishing your big goals
Your life after mastering Asana:
You’ve got a better work/life balance
You know exactly what to do each day
You 10x your productivity
You finally experience the freedom that comes with being disciplined
You're hitting your goals
Here's what you'll learn:
Before we can give your systems a makeover, we need to audit your existing biz. We'll figure out what those big dreams of yours are and then audit all existing systems & tasks so we can come up with a plan to actually make them a reality.
Next you’ll be introduced to your brand new, productivity system that will change your business (and life!). I know adopting a new system can be hard, so we also help you cultivate the right mindset for positive change!
You'll learn exactly how to customize your “hub” so it works perfectly for your business - including add-ons like tracking biz stats, daily to-dos and creating a “Master Project.”
I invite you behind the scenes to watch me create a project from scratch. I take you through the process step-by-step so you'll know how to go from idea to successful project plan.
We'll help you customize all the templates for your specific business and identify any areas where you can save time by automating, outsourcing or streamlining.
Asana makes outsourcing a breeze! Learn how to get some of the work off your plate so you can fully focus on the projects that matter most. I'll show you which tasks you can hand off - and how to do it.
Learn how to get faster in Asana, use it on the go, save time and integrate with other key tools.
While the majority of this course is taught on the free plan, there are a few key premium features that might be beneficial for your biz. We'll show you how to use all of them, in case you decide to upgrade!
Behind-the-scenes of my Asana
I'm peeling back the curtain and showing you my own personal setup. You can literally steal my exact business systems!
($297 VALUE)
31 Days of Mini Productivity Challenges
Implement 1 small change a day & watch your productivity skyrocket!
($97 VALUE)
Inbox Zero Mini-Course
Finally get control of your inbox & stop wasting so much time in it!
($97 VALUE)
*pay-in-full only
"I am still surprised at all that I've learned from this course. It was way above my expectations. Before this course, I had an Asana account that I had never used as I found it was too confusing. Now I use it everyday."
When you join, you'll get:
1. Big Goals
2. Executive Tasks
3. Lead Tracker
4. Collabs Tracker
5. Challenge Launch
6. Product Launch
7. Marketing Calendar (including blog posts, videos, podcasts, webinars, JV webinars)
8. Website Launch
9. Service Delivery
10. Product Creation
11. Product Management
12. Business Hub
13. Operations
14. Personal
+ BONUS Daily Affirmations
+ BONUS Ideas Board
+ BONUS Habit Tracker
Get done-for-you graphic templates (in Canva) to customize your boards when you join early.
It depends on you and your current situation. There are a LOT of moving pieces to running a successful business. Ultimately, it depends on the amount of time that you devote to getting organized, how many projects you have on the go, and how clear you want to get with those BIG goals of yours.
You have lifetime access to the program and all future updates, so there is no rush and and you can move through the course at your own pace! You'll be able to use Uplevel with Asana to get the most out of your business, for life.
If you're on a tight timeline, though, this course was designed to be quick and effective. You can complete the course in just 4 hours, and install the done-for-you templates in seconds.
You can complete the course lessons from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection! The entire program is completely digital so you can access it at your convenience through our private course portal. You'll also have access to our incredible private Facebook community for peer-to-peer support.
"I've used Asana for months and figured I knew everything there was to know about it... WRONG. This course gave me a whole new perspective. I had no idea what I was missing.
My favorite part of this course, besides the done for you templates, was all the business prep work before actually diving into Asana. Louise really broke down how to achieve your business goals with tangible examples, and gave clear direction on how to break large projects down into actionable daily tasks.
I would recommend this course to anyone that wants to get organized and streamline their processes!"
There has never been a better time to streamline and systematize.
Don't put it off another day.
Start now, and you will finally:
If you don't act now, nothing will change.
6 months from now, you’ll still be disorganized and overwhelmed, and you'll wish you had started today!
"I have done my fair share of online courses and I have to say this has to be one of my favourites! This course is so much more than a tech tutorial! It is business strategy, mindset and productivity rolled into one!"
✅ This course is a fantastic fit for you if:
You are a driven, ambitious biz owner with BIG goals and never enough time in the day
You constantly feel disorganized, but are committed to change
You want to be able to easily delegate and communicate with your team
You are ready to grow your business - not just maintain it
❌ This course isn't the best fit for you if:
You're not willing to change your habits
You're content with using multiple different programs to keep you organized
You're resistant to change and don't feel motivated to grow
Email me at and
I'll help you decide if this course is right for you!
"This product has been nothing short of life-changing. I nearly teared up today as I was going through some of the last videos. That's how much overwhelm your product has helped me release and how much excitement it's helped build.
I've been using it for two weeks now and my life and business have been totally different. I've gone from too overwhelmed to get started on projects that I've always wanted to do to doing it all.
One example: I launched my podcast in 2017, and since then I had released 16 episodes.
This week alone I've recorded 7 and released two. "
You have two choices here...
You can continue what you're doing:
Missing leads.
Forgetting tasks.
Scrambling to meet deadlines.
Dropping the ball... a lot.
You can join Uplevel with Asana and:
Implement an easy, plug-and-play system designed to help you reach those BIG goals that felt unattainable before.
Think about where you want your business to be 1-month from now? 6-months? 1-year?
Do you have a plan to get there?
If you're ready to crush your goals, join Uplevel with Asana now!
✅ Instant + lifetime access to the complete Uplevel with Asana system, so that you can start planning your best year yet ($997 value)
✅ Access to our private peer-to-peer Facebook group so that you can uplevel your biz without any stress - our community will be there for you! ($397 value)
✅ Done-for-you templates & more so that you can confidently install my best systems in an instant ($497 value)
I don't have enough time
Okay, maybe you don't feel you have a ton of time NOW. But that's exactly why you need to join Uplevel with Asana. You need to get more organized so you can create time in your busy schedule. Time to grow your biz. Time to make money. Time to spend with your family. Time to lay on a beach in Panama. It's up to you!
I don't have the money
I want you to think about all the leads that you've missed because you've been off your game. You've been so focused on maintaining your business, you haven't had the chance to even think about growing it. If you think about, the longer you wait to get organized in your biz, the more money you're leaving on the table.
It's just me in my business,
what's the point?
If you're a team of one, that's all the more reason to get organized from the start! You're probably doing the jobs of 10 different people at once. It's almost inevitable that you're going to forget a few things every now and again. By keeping yourself organized with Asana, you'll be able to better manage your own time, but you'll also create a strong and efficient foundation for when your team grows.
"Uplevel with Asana was 100% worth the investment. I feel so much more organized and I’ve been getting sooo much more done. If you're on the fence, go for it! It will be a game changer for your business!"
I believe whole-heartedly in the Uplevel with Asana system. If you implement my Asana system in full and do not get results, I will refund your registration payment.
1. You'll receive an excited email from me welcoming you to the course!
2. You get immediate access to all course materials so that you can get started right away. Yay!!
Frequently asked questions
Here are a few answers to our most common questions
Absolutely! No matter your tech skills, this course is for you! All the lessons are super easy to follow & I show you exactly where to click (for everything!)
You'll get access to the entire Uplevel with Asana system as soon as you enroll!
Lessons include videos tutorials, worksheets and easy-to-follow written instructions.
How does lifetime access sound? Once you join us, you'll get access to all future upgrades of Uplevel with Asana! If we ever decide to close the program, you will have the opportunity to download all the trainings and templates in advance.
I am 100% confident in the quality of Uplevel with Asana. If you demonstrate that you have watched all the lessons (4 hours only), implemented our systems and still don't feel you have any results, we'll refund your course fee (valid for 7 days).
I'm happy to answer any questions you may have so you can determine if this course is right for you! Email me at and I'll get back to you asap.
Louise Henry
I teach entrepreneurs how to leverage tech so that they can save time, automate more and scale their business with ease.
So, if you’ve ever avoided tech, felt that it was too stressful or too far outside your zone-of-genius, you’re in the right place.
Through my simple, step-by-step trainings, you’ll learn how to make your biz as strong and optimized as it can be - no matter your starting point.
Louise Henry
I teach entrepreneurs how to leverage tech so that they can save time, automate more and scale their business with ease.
So, if you’ve ever avoided tech, felt that it was too stressful or too far outside your zone-of-genius, you’re in the right place.
Through my simple, step-by-step trainings, you’ll learn how to make your biz as strong and optimized as it can be - no matter your starting point.